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Security Surveillance

Available Services

Virus/Malware Removal

The million-dollar question is how to remove virsuses or malware once you're infected. Malware removal is a tricky business, and the method can vary depending on the type of infection at hand. PHT has the experience and expertise necessary to best remove rootkits, ransomware, and cryptojacking. We also guide our clients on how to avoid system infections in the future.  

Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability scanning is a critical component of any security infrastructure because it involves proactive detection and remediation of security vulnerabilities. Security professionals that use vulnerability management tools are able to handle weaknesses before they are exploited and no longer rely on defensive security measures. We at PHT recommend that frequent and thorough vulnerability management checks are the best practice for every company intent on securing their networks.

AWS Cloud Security

Some clients believe that Amazon Web Services is insecure and moving company infrastructure to the cloud is too risky.  At PHT, we remove the complexity, ease your concerns related to cloud readiness, and secure your cloud infrastructure without lessening availability.  

Security Awareness Training

It takes merely a click of a malicious link to a website to give a bad actor access to your company and its infrastructure.  At PHT, we train your employees how to detect such harmful links.  We also offer guidance on how to avoid telephone scams based on social engineering. 

Physical Security and Access Control

If a bad actor can gain physical access to your company, then all technological security measures are useless. Having the proper fencing, gating, and CCTV solutions in place is critical to maintaining an excellent security defense system.  We have the expertise and key partnerships with companies around the Bay Area to provide you with the best physical security solutions for your business needs.

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